Saturday, March 24, 2012

Arrival Day!
After an early 5:50 am flight out of St. Louis to Atlanta, we met up with our newest team member, Fred, from Michigan. We eventually arrived to a "toasty" Managua shortly after noon.  Upon our two and a half hour drive to Chinandega, which started shortly after departure from the airport, two young children jumped on the hood of our travel van to wash our brand new windshield for pay.  We were able to stop breifly to see (from a distance) the volcano Momotombo. It can be seen in the picture to the right with Lake Managua in the background. We also met a couple from Iowa, who winter in Nicaragua.

The team had time to settle into our homes for the next week at the Mision Cristiana en Nicaragua, seen at left. Meanwhile, three team members, Kevin, Will, and Sean, went grocery shopping to get food for the start of the week. Notes included:
1) Fluid milk in bags
2) Faith Hill´s "Just Breathe" playing over the store intercom
3) Cow tongue for sale....yummy!

For dinner, the team went to El Paraiso and bonded with some longer term missionaries also staying at the mission center.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. - John 14:26

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